- I went to a Boobie Bash to raise moneys for a friend who will be walking in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk in Chicago. Mike and I bought a shitload of raffle tickets and consequently won 4 raffle prizes.

Via Rachelle- Pay it forward 2011!- Saw Rango and thought it was delightful. A wonderful change of pace.
I pledge to send a handmade something to the first 5 people who comment on this post (and specify that they want to play) and who update their status/Twitter/Facebook/blog with this same offer (please link back). The rules are that YOU have to make it with your own hands and that you must send it sometime in 2011.
- Started listening to Girl Talk, and physically felt my cool quotient increase exponentially.
- Got EXTREMELY excited for St. Patty's Day. Seriously, it's my favorite holiday because it's about food and drink, and there are NO obligations. However, in prepping my corned beef and cabbage, my garbage disposal clogged. I spent the next 2 hours elbow deep in drain sludge and pieces of cabbage. Luckily my mom is EXTREMELY handy, and Mike was dedicated to freeing up the plumbing.
-Fell madly in love with Rebecca Black's Friday. Seriously. I don't care what anyone says, it's a festive song.
- Have been debating canceling cable. I'm planning to write a whole post on that, but it's an ongoing saga.
- Started re-reading all 7 Harry Potter books again. I want to finish them just in time for the 2nd installment of Deathly Hallows.

- Had some out of town friends visit! Had people over (then fell asleep on my own couch, because I'm cool like that)
- Had the roof and siding replaced on my whole house!
- Started painting my stairs - dark treads and white risers, like this. Quickly found out that this is not as fun or easy as I thought. Currently, the half finished staircase is giving my hives.
- Started thinking about the Derby Party

I've been terribly unmotivated to write, and absolutely SLAMMED at work and at home.
April is the beginning of lots of things to do, and birthdays and Spring CLEANING! So I'm up to my eyeballs in to-dos and obligations. I feel like I'm totally spinning out of control, but then I remember that all these obligations and events and whatnot are fun and awesome, and I'll figure it out.