Monday, April 16, 2012

20 Weeks

I should probably write more about things unrelated to baby, but I haven't been blogging about unrelated things since, like, last fall. Plus, I kind of want to keep track of what's going on.

And, if I'm being honest, being pregnant is sort of all consuming. I can't even live life without thinking about the perils of parenthood, let alone blog about it. It's kind of hard to pretend your life isn't going through an astronomical change when you have ginormous boobs and belly constantly reminding you.

With that said, I've kept both of us alive for 20 weeks! We're halfway through, and the panic of unpreparedness is starting to sink in! On the plus side, we found out we're having a boy!
20 weeks

I know I'm supposed to have pretended like I wanted both genders equally, but man, was I rooting for a boy. I come from a family of all girls, and little boys are stupidly adorable, so I was hoping for something different.

Plus (I'm going to get sentimental for a minute), I think Mike is probably the greatest type of man ever, so I really wanted to raise a son to be like him. To be sweet and polite, and funny and nerdy.

Interestingly enough, the day we found out, as we're driving away from the Dr.'s office, I started to think about it, and I started to get a little sad that we weren't having a girl. It caught me off guard, because I was FIRMLY Team Boy, but it would have been cool to raise a girl. A self-assured, funny, chill girl. Now I worry that even if we have another kid, I'll never get the chance.

And since I'm crazy, and thinking WAYYYY too far in the future - boys tend to marry and sort of follow the lead of their wives. And girls? They stay close to home. OMG, am I really thinking about my still-gestating son marrying off?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pregnant Update

I should do one of those pregnancy updates, yeah?

16 Weeks

18 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks, 3 days.

How big is baby?
According to, “Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato”

Total weight gain:
The last time I checked (over a week ago) it was 6lbs. I’m sure it’s more now. I’ll know for sure on Thursday

Maternity Clothes?
I’ve finally succumbed to a mostly maternity wardrobe. I made my own maternity jeans, which is pretty badass. But, they are seriously, SERIOUSLY comfortable.

Stretch marks?
No. And if what I hear is true (that they’re genetic), I may avoid them. Fingers crossed.

I’m doing well! I only wake up to pee once a night. I can still kind of sleep on my stomach, and I’m not having any gruesome pregnancy dreams. Except the other night when I dreamed that January Jones was teaching me to breastfeed and I was legit honking on her boob to see if that’s how it worked…

I haven’t felt anything yet. Well, maybe I did. Once?

Food cravings:
EAT ALL THE FOOD. Spicy foods are the best. Fast food. I suck at eating healthy these days.

What I miss:
Booze. Oddly, I am NOT at all a big drinker. But once I can't have it, suddenly I want all the drinks.

What I am looking forward to:
Thursday. We find out the sex! I’m more excited to reveal this tidbit than I was to reveal I was pregnant.

Having someone who I don’t know very well touching my belly. That happened last week. It was weird, but I got over it. But the big one will be finding out the sex ON THURSDAY!

Oh, and THIS:
I can’t stop farting. It’s really attractive.


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